Vertical Turning 101: Why These Machines Are Game-Changing for Manufacturers

Vertical Turning Centers (VTCs) are like horizontal turning machines but stand up on end. VTCs are fully enclosed compact systems designed for stand-alone applications or easy integration into production lines. These machines are ideal for manufacturers looking to expand production capabilities into castings, such as brake discs, pump housings, or aircraft parts.
Vertical turning centers and lathes are ideal for cutting large and heavy workpieces for a variety of industries.
Vertical Turning Center Benefits
Vertical turning provides several benefits to manufacturers looking to expand their capabilities and tackle larger parts.
More Affordable, Quick ROI
First, the machines are more affordable than ever before – often approaching the cost of a conventional horizontal turning center. In addition, high demand for vertically turned parts from industries such as energy, aerospace, and construction ensure manufacturers see a quick return on investment.
Working With Gravity
The second advantage of vertical turning centers is that they work with gravity rather than fighting against it. With horizontal turning centers, operators have to load, fight, and fixture heavy or big parts. This adds time to the production cycle and can lead to operator injuries. With a VTC, operators simply load the part on the table. Often, relatively light clamping holds the part in place. This is an important benefit when working with thin-walled parts where clamping can induce warpage.
Better Cycle Times
In terms of productivity, vertical turning centers typically improve cycle times because manufacturers can be more aggressive with their cuts. Why? Again, it’s Physics 101: Gravity helps hold parts on the table so manufacturers can use the full power of the machine to remove material.
Smaller Footprint
Vertical turning machines also take up less floor space than their horizontal counterparts. Manufacturers can place two machines closely together in a right/left configuration — essentially gaining twice the productivity of a horizontal turning center in the same sized footprint.
More Productive
Adding automation, such as a robot arm, makes these machines even more productive. Manufacturers can do OP 10 in one VTC and have the robot transfer the part to the other for OP 20.
A grinding attachment adds versatility to a You Ji VTL.
Live tooling also makes vertical turning more productive than ever. Manufacturers can mill, drill, and tap on today’s VTCs. They can even equip the machines with grinding wheels for deburring, and where tolerances are acceptable, for actual grinding operations. For complex milling, Y-axis is available on a variety of models. B-axis (tilting) heads are also available. The combination of these features can make the machine a 5-face or 5-axis milling machine for done-in-one capability.
Product Offerings from Absolute Machine Tools
Absolute Machine Tools sells both Vertical Turning Centers (VTCs) and Vertical Turning Lathes (VTLs). These are quite different machines that serve separate markets.
Absolute Machine Tools offers the VTL-2500. You Ji VTLs have maximum swings from 45- to 140-in., cutting diameters from 45- to 140 in., and cutting heights from 48- to 80-in.
Absolute’s You Ji VTCs deliver productivity and precision in a single machine. They have a smaller footprint versus horizontal turning centers, and a very solid frame for superior finishes. Manufacturers with a limited amount of floor space can place two VTCs closely together in a right/left configuration—essentially gaining twice the productivity of a horizontal turning center in the same sized footprint. You Ji VTCs are available with maximum swings ranging from 16- to 48-in., cutting diameters from 10- to 40-in., and cutting heights from 8- to 32-in.
Absolute’s larger You Ji VTLs are for heavy duty and high power cutting of medium and large parts, particularly aerospace, construction, and oil-gas applications. These machines are very rigid, featuring cast iron frames and box ways. They also boast geared table drives that generate tremendous torque. In addition, heavy-duty spindle motors deliver high torque for heavy duty machining and high speeds for fine finishing. You Ji VTLs have maximum swings from 45- to 140-in., cutting diameters from 45- to 140 in., and cutting heights from 48- to 80-in.
Vertical Turning Technology: Find the Right Solution for Your Needs
The key to machine performance is a rock-solid foundation. Therefore, manufacturers should seek out vertical turning centers that are strong, stable, and extremely rigid to ensure the best performance for large parts turning. Machines should be heavy weights with cast iron construction that damps vibration. Rams and columns should be built strong to withstand heavy duty cutting forces.
Ready to take your manufacturing to the next level? Contact Absolute Machine Tools today to discuss your vertical turning needs!