Welcome to Our 2020 Summer Intern Emily Graven!
Absolute Machine Tools is proud to announce its latest summer intern, Emily Graven. Emily comes to us from Lorain County Joint Vocational School (LCJVS), where she is a student in the Precision Machining class, under instructor John Green.
In between her Junior/Senior year, Emily is joining the A-Team at Absolute as an applications engineer with a focus on automation engineering. We sat down with her to get a better understanding of why she chose this career path and Absolute Machine Tools.
Emily Graven was a student at Amherst Steele Middle School, Amherst, Ohio. Between her eighth grade and Freshman year she got the opportunity to tour Lorain County’s Joint Vocational School, where she got a first-hand look at different skills and career paths. Emily comes from an auto body family where mom, dad, and brother are all working. During the tour, Emily visited the precision machining lab at LCJVS and immediately her interest in an auto body career changed. She was amazed that she could learn how to take blanks of metal and cut away at them until real parts were made, parts that that are used in virtually everything we touch every day. At that moment Emily changed her career path and life.
“I am very happy that Absolute Machine Tools allowed me the opportunity to get hands-on experience outside the classroom in the manufacturing industry where I can put all that I have learned and will learn to good use,” Emily said. “Programs like this allow interns like me to begin working and earning a good wage immediately after graduation. I know now I will have a successful future!”
Absolute Machine Tools has been a partner with LCJVS for over a dozen years now, mentoring and interning many students for both engineering and service technician positions post-secondary. Emily had heard of our company and talked with instructor Green to see if he would reach out to us to get an interview for the summer. During the interview, we explained that we were looking for an automation engineer to intern both their junior and senior year of high school. That’s when she first was introduced to the world of robotics and everything clicked. We offered her the internship and she immediately accepted.
Not only has Emily been involved with robot demonstrations, she also got an opportunity to learn how to hand-write programs in both PLC and Manual Guide i. Currently she has over 20 Tooling U certificates in areas such as CAD/CAM for machining and creating turning and milling programs. She is working hard with our engineering staff to acquire even more Tooling U certificates so she can be ahead of her senior class when she starts back in the fall.
Absolute Machine Tools is proud of our successful intern partnership we have had with both students and the Lorain County Joint Vocational School. Together our partnership, along with tens of thousands of others throughout the United States, is helping to build upon our country’s success as a worldwide leader in manufacturing.