Item / Model SA-20PII
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FREE TRACER 20 Bar Feeder
Package Price starts at $159,900
FREE TRACER 32V Bar Feeder
Package Price starts at $189,900
FREE TRACER 51V Bar Feeder
Package Price starts at $199,900
Number of Axes 7 7 7
Number of Channels 2 2 2
Bar Capacity (Front/Rear) 20 mm / 20 mm 32 mm / 32 mm 38 mm / 38 mm
Guide Bushing Type Synchronous Synchronous Synchronous
Main Spindle 5 HP /10,000 RPM 10 HP / 8,000 RPM 10 HP / 8,000 RPM
Sub Spindle 3HP / 8,000 RPM 5 HP / 8,000 RPM 5 HP / 8,000 RPM
Max. Turn Length 10″ 10″ 10″
Total Tools 23 20 19
Fixed Tools (Front/Rear) 12 / 3 12 / 2 11 / 2
Live Tools (Front/Rear) 6 / 2 4 / 2 4 / 2
Live Tools 3 HP / 6,000 RPM 3 HP / 6,000 RPM 3 HP / 6,000 RPM
B Axis N/A N/A N/A
C Axis Contouring Main/Sub Main/Sub Main/Sub
Weight 7,260 lbs. 7,700 lbs. 7,920 lbs.
Item / Model SA-20PII SA-32PII SA-38PII

How are Swiss lathes and conventional lathes different?

The guide bushing is the key difference that separates Swiss lathes from conventional lathes. On a CNC Swiss lathe, the guide bushing holds the workpiece close to the cutting tool, which gives significantly improved support for greater precision through the entire cutting process. This results in the ability to achieve a high quality surface finish. On a conventional lathe, the workpiece is held by a chuck; when the cutting tool is machining material further away from the chuck, stability is reduced, which tends to result in a poorer surface finish quality.

Is a rotary or fixed guide bushing better?

While both have their uses, a rotary guide bushing is generally the preferred option. The rotary guide bushing acts as a slave to the material being machined, spinning along with it. If the rotary guide bushing is set properly, this keeps material from getting into the guide bushing. Because the guide bushing stays in contact with the part, the amount of marring or scratching is reduced, resulting in excellent surface finish. On the other hand, a fixed guide bushing stays static while the bar stock rotates. This tends to result in damage to the material it is holding.

How many axes does a Swiss lathe have?

The number of axes a Swiss lathe will have varies. For instance, the Nexturn SA(PII) features a total of 7 axes (Z1, X1, Y, Z2, X2, C1, and C2). Most conventional Swiss machines have anywhere from 7-9 axes.
Read more Swiss lathe FAQs
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