Standard Accessories
Item / Model DMC-3100P
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X Travel 122″ 122″ 161.4″ 161.4″ 200.8″ 200.8″ 240.1″ 240.0!
Y Travel 90.5″ 90.5″ 90.5″ 90.5″ 90.5″ 90.5″ 90.5″ 90.5″
Z Travel 31.5″ (42″ opt.) 31.5″ (42″ opt.) 31.5″ (42″ opt.) 31.5″ (42″ opt.) 31.5″ (42″ opt.) 31.5″ (42″ opt.) 31.5″ (42″ opt.) 31.5″ (42″ opt.)
W Travel 39.4″ (59.1″ & 78.7″ opt.) 39.4″ (59.1″ & 78.7″ opt.) 39.4″ (59.1″ & 78.7″ opt.) 39.4″ (59.1″ & 78.7″ opt.) 39.4″ (59.1″ & 78.7″ opt.) 39.4″ (59.1″ & 78.7″ opt.) 39.4″ (59.1″ & 78.7″ opt.) 39.4″ (59.1″ & 78.7″ opt.)
Distance Between Columns 94.4″ 94.4″ 94.4″ 94.4″ 94.4″ 94.4″ 94.4″ 94.4″
Table Load 22,200 lbs. 22,200 lbs. 28,600 lbs. 28,600 lbs. 26,400 lbs.  33,000 lbs.  26,400 lbs.  37,400 lbs.
Rapids X/Y/Z 472/472/472 IPM 472/472/472 IPM 472/472/472 IPM 472/472/472 IPM 472/472/472 IPM 472/472/472 IPM 472/472/472 IPM 472/472/472 IPM
CNC Control Oi-MF Plus (31i-MB opt.) Oi-MF Plus (31i-MB opt.) Oi-MF Plus (31i-MB opt.) Oi-MF Plus (31i-MB opt.) Oi-MF Plus (31i-MB opt.) Oi-MF Plus (31i-MB opt.) Oi-MF Plus (31i-MB opt.) Oi-MF Plus (31i-MB opt.)
Spindle Taper BT-40 / CAT 40 (HSK-63A opt.) BT-50 / CAT 50 (HSK-100A opt.) BT-40 / CAT 40 (HSK-63A opt.) BT-50 / CAT 50 (HSK-100A opt.) BT-40 / CAT 40 (HSK-63A opt.) BT-50 / CAT 50 (HSK-100A opt.) BT-40 / CAT 40 (HSK-63A opt.) BT-50 / CAT 50 (HSK-100A opt.)
Spindle RPM
8,000 (10,000 / 12,000 opt.)
15,000 (18,000 / 20,000 opt.)
6,000 (8,000 / 10,000 opt.)
8,000 (10,000 / 12,000 opt.)
15,000 (18,000 / 20,000 opt.)
6,000 (8,000 / 10,000 opt.)
8,000 (10,000 / 12,000 opt.)
15,000 (18,000 / 20,000 opt.)
6,000 (8,000 / 10,000 opt.)
8,000 (10,000 / 12,000 opt.)
15,000 (18,000 / 20,000 opt.)
6,000 (8,000 / 10,000 opt.)
Spindle Motor
15 HP Hi/Lo Gear
31 HP Integral Built-In
35 HP Hi/Lo Gear
56 HP Integral Built-In
15 HP Hi/Lo Gear
31 HP Integral Built-In
35 HP Hi/Lo Gear
56 HP Integral Built-In
15 HP Hi/Lo Gear
31 HP Integral Built-In
35 HP Hi/Lo Gear
56 HP Integral Built-In
15 HP Hi/Lo Gear
31 HP Integral Built-In
35 HP Hi/Lo Gear
56 HP Integral Built-In
Spindle Drive
2 Speed Gearbox
Integral Built-In
2 Speed Gearbox
Integral Built-In
2 Speed Gearbox
Integral Built-In
2 Speed Gearbox
Integral Built-In
2 Speed Gearbox
Integral Built-In
2 Speed Gearbox
Integral Built-In
2 Speed Gearbox
Integral Built-In
2 Speed Gearbox
Integral Built-In
ATC Capacity 40 (60/80/120 opt.) 40 (60/80/120 opt.) 40 (60/80/120 opt.) 40 (60/80/120 opt.) 40 (60/80/120 opt.) 40 (60/80/120 opt.) 40 (60/80/120 opt.) 40 (60/80/120 opt.)
Weight 77,000 lbs. 77,000 lbs. 90,200 lbs. 90,200 lbs. 100,000 lbs. 100,000 lbs. 114,000 lbs. 114,000 lbs.

Coolant system
Spindle air blast
Heat exchanger
Full enclosure
Twin screw-type chip conveyors
One chain-type chip conveyor
Operation box
Tools, tool box & various manuals
Rigid tapping
Spindle oil cooler
Working lamps (2 LED)

Fanuc Oi-MF Plus CNC control

5-Axis or 5-Sided Machining Heads
Contact tool setting system (Renishaw TS-27R or Blum NT-A2/NT-A3)
High pressure coolant through tool
High pressure coolant through spindle
Workpiece measuring system (Renishaw OMP-60 or Blum TC-50)
Linear scale
32/40 Tools or more (BT-50/CAT-50)
32 Tools or more (BT-40/HSK-63A)
15,000, 18,000, 20,000 RPM for HSK-63A built-in spindle
External coolant flow of spindle
Manual Guide i (Oi-MF)
Electronic compensation of thermal expansion

“Time to Say Goodbye?”

John Crowe, President
Standard Machine LLC
Cleveland, Ohio



Absolute Machine Tools