MFG Day Celebrates Manufacturing in America
The first Friday in October is celebrated across the United States as Manufacturing Day. For this annual event, also known as MFG Day, companies and communities celebrate this vital industry and work to address common misconceptions about it.
On Oct. 7, 2022, this coordinated effort will work to address the shortage of skilled labor in the manufacturing industry, reach out to future generations, and work to ensure the continuing prosperity of the industry as a whole.
“Manufacturing Day is important because it encourages collaboration between manufacturing companies and educational institutions across the country,” said Nicole Conrad, Chief Marketing Officer at Absolute Machine Tools. “The goal is to inform the next generation to enter the workforce about all of the opportunities available in modern manufacturing. The manufacturing industry is a major part of our economy, and there are an abundance of options for students looking for a career path. Careers in the manufacturing industry have often been labelled as ‘dirty’ or ‘dull’ in the past, but that isn’t always the case. We’d like to open the conversation to show students the wide variety of opportunities available as manufacturing and automation technologies advance.”
At Absolute Machine Tools, we believe it is critical to educate and support future generations of manufacturing industry workers. We have mentored and interned many Lorain County Community College students for both engineering and service technician positions post-secondary. We are extremely proud of our current intern, Emily Graven, who joined us in 2020 as an applications engineer with a focus on automation engineering. In 2021, she signed a “letter of intent” to join the Absolute Machine Tools engineering team full-time after graduation!
To show our support of MFG Day, we’d like to take this opportunity to share some important information about manufacturing in the U.S.
Did you know …
One of the biggest obstacles in manufacturing is a shortage of skilled workers. Those who have vocational training and industry certifications are highly sought after now, and that demand is going to continue to grow.
By 2030, an estimated 4 million manufacturing jobs will be needed, but 2.1 million of those will likely go unfilled because of a shortage of skilled workers. This is one of the reasons MFG Day is so important — it allows students, teachers, parents and current job seekers to learn more about this industry and what it has to offer workers now and in the future.
There is a common misconception that modern manufacturing operations are dark, dangerous factories that employ low-skilled workers. The reality is that manufacturing is a technologically advanced industry, with ample use of automation, 3-D printing and robots, and screen technology that require training and skill to operate.
Manufacturing Day aims to dispel this misconception and encourage students, parents, educators, media and local communities in general to learn more about what happens in modern manufacturing facilities and the possibilities they hold for prosperous careers.
Click here to find an MFG Day event happening in your area!
About Absolute
Absolute Machine Tools, Inc. has spent more than 30 years providing the machine tools needed to help machine shops and manufacturing facilities improve productivity in an increasingly competitive global economy. Contact us today to learn more about our CNC machines.