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Item / Model VTL-800ATC
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Table Size (in.) 24 / 32 40 40 49 63 49 49 49 63 63 63 79 79 79 98 98 98 118 118 118 138 138 138 157 157 157 177 177 177
Max Swing (in.) 43.3 53.1 53.1 63 79 63 63 63 79 79 79 98 98 98 118 118 118 138 138 138 161 161 161 181 181 181 200.78 200.78 200.78
Std. Cutting Dia. (in.) 41 43.3 43.3 55 71 55 55 55 71 71 71 91 91 91 110 110 110 134 134 134 157 157 157 173 173 173 189 189 189
Z Travel (in.) 31.5 31.5 31.5 35.4 35.4 35.4 35.4 47.2 35.4 35.4 47.2 37.4 47.2 55 47.2 47.2 55.1 59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1 59.1
Rail Travel (in.) Fixed 20 Fixed 31.5 31.5 31.5 47.2 55 31.5 47.2 55 45.3 61 61 45.3 61 61 47.2 55 78.7 47.2 55 78.7 47.2 55 78.7 47.2 55.1 78.7
Ram to Table Max (in.) 35.6 52.4 35.4 60 60 63 79 86.6 63 79 86.6 80.7 96.5 96.5 80.7 96.5 96.5 86.2 102 125.6 75.4 99 120 75.4 99 120 75.4 99 120
Table Load (lbs.) 6,600 8,800 8,800 11,000 17,600 11,000 11,000 11,000 17,600 17,600 17,600 22,000 22,000 22,000 33,000 33,000 33,000 44 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 44,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 66,000 66,000
ATC System 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc. 12 / 16 /32 / 60 / etc.
Spindle HP 50 50 50 60 60 60 (100 opt.) 60 (100 opt.) 60 (100 opt.) 60 (100 opt.) 60 (100 opt.) 60 (100 opt.) 100 100 100 100 100 100 (60 x 2 opt.) 100 (60 x 2 opt.) 100 (60 x 2 opt.) 100 (60 x 2 opt.) 100 (60 x 2 opt.) 100 (60 x 2 opt.) 100 (60 x 2 opt.) 100 (60 x 2 opt.) 100 (60 x 2 opt.) 133 (100 x 2 opt.) 133 (100 x 2 opt.) 133 (100 x 2 opt.) 160 (100 x 2 opt.)
RPM 600 600 600 350 250 350 350 350 250 250 250 200 200 200 160 160 160 120 120 120 120 120 120 60 60 60 60 60 60
C Axis Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Twin Ram No No No No No No No No Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional
Weight (lbs.) 31,900 64,200 44,000 50,000 60,600 72,600 75,900 80,300 81,400 83,600 86,900 107,800 117,700 118,800 122,100 132,000 133,100 154,000 176,000 198,000 154,000 176,000 198,000 220,000 242,000 264,000 275,000 297,000 319,000

In Stock and Ready for Immediate Delivery

Image Model and Brand Serial #
VTL-1000ATC+C Vertical Ram-Type Lathe
You Ji

VTL-1000ATC w/ Fanuc 0iT-F Plus Ctrl with 15′ LCD, 50HP, 16 Tool ATC, Chip Conveyor (48 Discharge Height), Standard Full Guarding, C-Axis & Live Tools-20HP w/2-speed Gearbox, 1000psi CTS, Auto Strong VIT-240 4-Jaw Hydraulic Chuck

You Ji

VTL-1600ATC-II+C-Axis w/ Fanuc 0iT-F Plus Ctrl with 15″ Color LCD and MGI, 16 Tool ATC, 60HP, 2-speed Gearbox, Auto Front Doors, Light Curtain, Chip Conveyor, 25HP Live Tool Spindle Motor, 1000psi CTS


YV-1200ATC+C Vertical Ram-Type Lathe
You Ji

YV-1200ATC/C-Axis w/ Fanuc 0iT-F Plus with Manual Guide i & 15 Color LCD, 60HP, 2-speed Gearbox, 16 Tool ATC, 20HP Live Tool Spindle Motor, Square Guard Enclosure with Chip Wash, 1000psi CTS. New Style Sheet Metal

VTL-1000ATC+C Vertical Ram-Type Lathe
You Ji

VTL-1000ATC w/ Fanuc 0iT-F Plus with 15′ LCD, 50HP, 16 Tool ATC, Chip Conveyor (48 Discharge Height), Standard Full Guarding, C-Axis & Live Tools-20HP w/2-speed Gearbox, 1000psi CTS, Auto Strong VIT-240 4-Jaw Hydraulic Chuck.

YV-1200ATC+C Vertical Ram-Type Lathe
You Ji

You Ji YV-1200ATC+C vertical turning lathe with all standard accessories. Includes standard guarding, chip conveyor with discharge height minimum 48? from floor, 16 tool ATC, Fanuc OiT-F Plus control package w/15″ LCD and all features and Specifications. Machine is to be painted our specified colors. 60HP, 2 speed gear box, Voltage is 220V, 60Hz. C axis and live spindle ? 20HP + 2 speed gearbox, 2400 RPM, Square guard enclosure with chip wash. 1000 psi CTS. New Sheet Metal

YV-1600ATC+C Vertical Ram-Type Lathe
You Ji

YV-1600ATC w/ Fanuc 0iT-F Plus, 60HP, 16 Tool ATC, Full Enclosure-Square guard, X-Axis Box Guideways, C- Axis and Live Tools – 20HP Live Tool Spindle Motor, 1000psi , Auto Tool Presetter


YV-1200ATC Vertical Ram-Type Lathe
You Ji

YV-1200ATC w/ Fanuc 0iT-F Plus, 60HP, 2-speed Gearbox, 12 Tool ATC, Full Enclosure Square Guard with Chip Wash

Absolute Machine Tools